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A future where young leaders use innovative skills to create a more sustainable world for all.


Bringing to life a network of trained leaders to harness business as a catalyst for change, to generate a positive impact on society and the environment, tackling the most challenging global issues.


Founded in 1975 in the United States, today Enactus operates in more than 30 countries in over 1700 Universities with more than 70,500 students that created over 4,900 community outreach projects which are impacting the lives of more than 1.950.000 people.

Enactus Italia was founded in 2016.

With the support of our community, our students are given the opportunity to develop leadership, teamwork, and communication skills to better themselves, their communities, and our country.


In addition to the project developmente, Enactus offers leadership and career initiatives creating meaningful opportunities for learning and contamination among students, alumni and partner companies.


Every year, the Enactus program culminates with the  National Competition which acts as a forum to showcase the projects developed by students throughout the academic year. In this occasion, projects are evaluated by a panel of judges representing the business leaders that invest and believe in Enactus. One team is recognized as the National Champion and wins the opportunity to advance to the prestigious Enactus World Cup.




Enactus Italia brings together students and professors with the business rapresentatives that are part of the network. Through this process, Enactus Italia enables students to apply their academic knowledge to the creation of their own community development outreach projects.

Below you can view the network of Italian institutions that have already become partners for a better world.




  1. H-FARM College

  2. ITS Tech Talent Factory

  3. John Cabot University of Rome

  4. Libera Università di Comunicazione e Lingue IULM

  5. Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali LUISS

  6. Politecnico di Milano

  7. Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia

  8. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano

  9. Università degli studi del Piemonte Orientale

  10. Università degli studi di Brescia

  11. Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale

  12. Università degli studi di Macerata

  13. Università degli studi di Milano

  14. Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia

  15. Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II

  16. Università degli studi di Padova

  17. Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”

  18. Università degli studi di Torino

  19. Università degli studi di Trento

  20. Università degli studi di Trieste

  21. Università degli studi di Udine

  22. Università degli studi di Verona

  23. Università della Calabria

  24. Università Europea di Roma

  25. Università Politecnica delle Marche

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